Meredith (opening voiceover): Paranoia gives you an edge in the OR. Surgeons play out worst-case scenarios in their heads. You're ready to close, you got the bleeder. You know it but there's that voice in your head asking. What if you didn't? What if the patient dies and you could have prevented it? So you check your work one more time before you close. Paranoia is a surgeon's best friend.
Meredith (closing voiceover): We're all susceptible to it, the dread and anxiety of not knowing what's coming. It's pointless in the end, because all the worrying and the making of plans for things that could or could not happen, it only makes things worse. So walk your dog or take a nap. Just whatever you do, stop worrying. Because the only cure for paranoia is to be here, just as you are.
Owen: You need to stop thinking about what's gonna happen, you need to focus on what is right in front of you. Now, hit the ball!
Cristina: I'm sorry. I don't have time for games. I have to get back to the hospital.
Meredith: She's right, she does have to go back to the hospital.
Derek: We're not gonna talk about the hospital, we're here to play baseball.
Mark: And to drink beer. Drink your beer. What more do you want in life?
Lexie: I'm not gonna drink beer when all my friends just got fired.
Cristina: You know, I'm sorry. I'm leaving.
Owen: Whoa.
Cristina: No.
Owen: You need this. Put this on. (puts a helmet on her)
Derek: There we go.
Cristina: No, I--
Owen (hands her a bat): Now, hit the ball.
Cristina: I don't wanna hit the ball. (the machine shoots a ball at her, she is startled) Oh my god! (Lexie laughs)
Derek (catches the ball): Oh! Here we go, here we go.
Cristina: What are you trying...
Owen: You need to stop thinking about what's gonna happen, you need to focus on what is right in front of you. Now, hit the ball!
Cristina (she hits the ball): Oh my god! Oh my god! I got it! (hands the bat to Lexie, and hugs Mer) I did it! I did it.
Meredith: Now you like baseball!
Derek: Oh, here we go little Grey. Let's go. (Lexie steps in the batter's box, and hits a ball)
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